Corbusier Parakeet


By Mukund Iyer

Chandigarh, India, 2017
Material : Ink on Cartridge
Dimensions : 12.2″ by 15.6″


1 in stock

About This Artist

Mukund Iyer is a Bio- Architect and a Social Artist

He believes that formal education taught him everything that he is not supposed to do in life. For this reason he developed and started to use play as a medium to heal and educate. His learning comes from travelling and from different cultures and mythological stories.

He is the creator of SOCHALAYA and co-founder of architectural nomad community OBARUHU.
Soch means thought, alaya means abode, so an abode of thoughts. Sochalaya also stands for toilet, another place where ideas and thoughts are born! Through these he intends on bridging the gap between art, psychology and architecture via community participatory methodologies.

Currently he offers training on Intuitive natural building , Art of unconditioning and Intermodal expressive arts.